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Current account calculator

Find the current account that is right for your business

To see how much your banking will cost, please enter your typical online transaction volumes. We recommend using recent bank statements to find this information.

If this varies, please use an average or typical example of your payment volumes.

Thank you for considering Santander.

This calculator is for illustrative purposes only

The costs above represent your typical online transaction fees and may not represent the total cost that you will incur. For example, payments made via client services, unarranged overdraft fees and failed transaction charges are not included. To see our full tariff please refer to the above factsheets.

The International Current Account offers free digital payments up to the stated limit. If your transaction volumes are above the free payment limit, then additional charges will apply. These have been calculated using your typical activity.

If you receive or issue a large number of cheques or draftsplease contact us to discuss further.